Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Make misteaks

Today's Blogtember topic, Write about a time you screwed up - a mistake you made, has had me pondering for days. Now, I'm not saying I've never made a mistake (who can really say that?) but as I try to live my life without regrets I guess I've pretty much forgotten about the times things might have gone wrong.

It's easy to wonder what if. 

What if I hadn't done a degree?
What if I'd stuck with Visual Merchandising?
What if I'd continued to draw every morning before breakfast?
What if I hadn't met The Boy?
What if I hadn't moved to London?
What if I hadn't lost the weight?
And the list goes on...

It's easy to think about what might have been but I think that every choice we make in life is the one that we were supposed to make. I know that each and every day I'm becoming a better person, whether physically, mentally or emotionally, and that can only be a good thing. 

Often we can make mistakes that impact our lives but once the storm has passed you can sometimes see things more clearly. I know I can.

Our mistakes don't define us and I for one always find something to learn from mine.
This post is part of Blogtember, the brainchild of Jenni over at Story of My Life.

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