So, somehow, as if by magic, you've found your way to Lost & Found: a London life, a fashion/lifestyle blog written by little old me. My name's Laura and I've always been a London girl at heart.

I love a rummage in a good old fashioned charity shop, a stroll around a sunday morning carboot, good food, good fashion and long walks in the park on a blustery winters day.
Lost &Found was born from my love of writing, fashion, design and just general need to always be doing something. I had finished both a degree (Writing Fashion and Culture) and a Masters (Fashion Merchandise Management) and found myself moving to London to live with The Boy, all of a sudden with a seemingly endless amount of free time (a joy when it feels like you've spent the past decade studying). Having always been creative I wanted an outlet for my creativity that allowed me to explore a number of my existing interests whilst also trying new things and making the most of this exciting city.

Some random loves of mine: the boy. iced tea. summer nights. new york. sushi. shakeaway milkshakes. duvet days-especially when it's all dark and rainy outside. rose wine. koala bears. walking in the rain. the smell of cut grass. sitting in the sun. the feel of sand between my toes. reading a magazine cover-to-cover. pimms. winter evenings in front of the fire. red lipstick. nights out dancing. black eyeliner. showtunes. dressing up. looking at old photos. fake eyelashes. doing crosswords. food shopping in M&S. long walks. long hair. chocolate brownies-with vanilla ice cream. paddling in the sea. reading newspapers. hot buttered toast with strawberry jam. my vintage flat in London town. road trips. board games. ballet pumps. vw beetles. road trips. new adventures. peanut butter sandwiches. my big tan bag. pub quizzes. fake tan. the English countryside.

Welcome to Lost & Found, please do stay a while and take a look around.
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