Wednesday, 4 September 2013

A life worth living

My friend Sam recently made a somewhat spectacular decision to pack her bags and head to New Zealand for what started as a two week holiday and has now turned into 9 months on the other side of the world, a fresh start and a new adventure, which is still continuing today. 

Reading Sam's blog and seeing the pictures she puts on Facebook have got me thinking about what I want from life, what I value most and mostly, about regrets. 

Will I look back in five years and regret things I didn't do? Chances I didn't take? Opportunities I passed up? Or, will I be content with my lot in life, happy with the choices I've made and be able to look back over the years with few regrets?

Today's Blogtember topic is: if you could take three months off from your life and do anything in the world, what would you do? 

Although making something so drastic possible is somewhat dependent on money, I certainly have a few ideas of what I would do if I could throw caution to the wind.

Firstly I'd pack my bags and jump on a plane to the US of A, starting off in LA then travelling across the country for a month, finishing up in New York City. 
New York is the one city in the world where I would love to live. I'm not sure if it was the years I spent watching Sex and the City and Friends but I feel almost as much at home in NYC as I do in London.

I'd love to be able to spend an extended period of time in the city that never sleeps, exploring even more of the different neighborhoods but money never really allows for me to take a break for longer than a week or so. 

I'd love to rent my own little apartment or plush hotel suite, take my sketchbook, paints and iPad and get creative.

As with most people, achieving a good work-life balance can sometimes be tricky so by the time I've been to work, worked out, made/eaten dinner, done my chores and blogged there's little time much else! I'm determined to start sketching again and buildings are what I love to draw. So what better place to while away three months than travelling around the country that I love, doing my favourite thing, finishing up in the city of my dreams, perfection. 

Well, maybe one day. For now I guess London will have to do and I'll just have to try and make more time for the things I love. And who knows, if I'm sketching and not spending maybe I'll be able to afford that trip to America.

This post is part of Blogtember, the brainchild of Jenni over at Story of My Life.

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