Sunday, 6 January 2013

Time for a new start

It's that time of year again when dramatic and sometimes drastic statements about new ways of living are often made, and usually swiftly broken. But not for me.

I gave up making generic and unachievable resolutions years ago and instead, now make a few smaller, more realistic goals that are easier to stick to. So, here's my ambitions and aims for 2013 and how I'm planning on achieving them.

1. Take charge of my finances
Much like my best friend Zsa Zsa, I've finally realised over the past year that maybe, rather than spending every hard-earned penny in Primark, I should have actually saved some money for a rainy day. Now I find myself in my thirtieth year, without a home to call my own - but a wardrobe bulging with, well, crap mostly. 
My spending habits have improved drastically over the past year but still, if I'm ever to fulfill my dreams, efforts must be doubled. Therefore starting from my January paycheck I will be saving 20% of my monthly wage on payday - then also saving anything that remains at the end of the month. I'm not saving up for anything in particular (apart from the dream house) but a rainy day fund never hurt anyone. The Boy will also be setting up an ISA (whether he likes it or not). 

Image by Rosie's Armoire

2. Get planning
This year I want to make time to see my true friends and family more. There were some tough times last year, people showed their true colours (both bad and good) and it really made me see who is important in my life. Last year we went to many a wedding but this year I want to visit people for no other reason than that I enjoy their company. The diary is out and I'm already planning plenty of weekends away and days out to see some of my favourite people. So, whether it's a weekend in Cambridge with the cousin, New York with my family and The Boy, Easter in Somerset or a night of Karaoke with my uni girls, 2013 looks set to be packed with fun times - I already cannot wait.

3. When an idea makes sense, do it
Ideas come in many different shapes and sizes and can lead us in many different directions, but if the past year has taught me anything, it's to go with my gut. If something doesn't seem right, it usually isn't, so don't waste your energy on lost causes. This year I will be taking charge and making decisions that I know will have a positive impact on the life I lead. Therefore, whether The Boy likes it or not, I will be buying a shredder and a blender. And a push top kitchen bin. 

4. Get back on the healthy eating bandwagon
Weight Watchers has very much been on the back burner of late but all the overindulgence throughout December has truly taken its toll and it's time to kick things up a notch. 
After only one week of 2013 I'm already 3lbs down all thanks to a touch of willpower, plenty of salads and lots of long walks - plus a little help from the Londoner's Anti Diet! The guilt free ice cream is to die for.

5. Stop procrastinating, start doing
One of my new years resolutions is to give up reading the Daily Mail online and even though it's only been a few days the changes this has brought about have been life changing (no, I'm not exaggerating). I literally feel as though I have given myself the gift of time. For example on Thursday night alone, not only did I find time when I arrived home from work to reply to two emails, make tomorrows lunch and clean the bathroom, but I was even able to put my feet up and *shock horror* relax. Who would have thought it, there is life beyond badly written gossip portraying itself as news. 

6. Support causes I believe in and push myself out of my comfort zone
In October I ran the Royal Parks Half Marathon for NDCS and I am currently anxiously waiting to find out whether I'll be able to take part again this year. The difference now is that I cannot wait to complete this challenge again, whereas last year I was absolutely terrified. I ended up raising far more than I had anticipated for a great charity and proved something to myself along the way.

Another cause close to my heart is that of Cellardoor magazine. A fantastic online read that is the brainchild of two of my closest friends, Cellardoor now has the opportunity to move into print media - so, if you're feeling generous please make a pledge here to support this beautiful magazine.

Image courtesy of Cellardoor magazine

I will keep you updated (as usual) with how I'm getting on with my new years resolutions and I'd love to hear how you've been going with yours - happy 2013!

1 comment:

  1. its so easy to procrastinate especially when it comes to resolutions. I decided resolution was too much pressure for me and went for achievements instead. Fingers crossed we can keep on the straight and narrow this year and tick some of those things off our lists :)


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