Monday, 15 October 2012

The love list (salad edition)

As the nights draw in it's tempting to stock up on carb-heavy comfort food but following on from my Half-Marathon training I'm keen to start up a (more) healthy eating plan and have been scouring Pinterest and stocking up on recipe books at the library for inspiration. I'm thinking salads mostly but before you start (and by you I obviously mean The Boy) salads don't need to be boring. Before winter truly sets in and nothing but soup or stew will do to warm the cockles I'm thinking about giving these a go.

  Image taken from Jan-Leasure

I love olives so this Mediterranean Greek Salad is right up my street. Greek salads can be really fattening but as long as you use low fat feta cheese and a low fat dressing (if you use one at all) they can still be a healthy option.

If you're looking for a salad that is detoxing as well as healthy, it's worth trying the Detox Salad by Queen of Quinoa. It's packed full of delicious ingredients and is both gluten-free and suitable for vegans.

Image taken from Queen of Quinoa
 Image taken from Whole Living

Cobb salad is one of my all-time faves (particularly the one served at the Diner) but it has the potential to be calorific - Cheese? Avocado? Bacon? The one shown above makes some minor substitutions to lessen the calories but not the taste. I'll definitely be giving it a try.

I love zucchini, particularly when it's sliced thinly like in the Ribbon Salad shown below, I don't know why it just seems to taste better!

Image taken from Proud Italian Cook

My pre-Christmas detox will probably need to involve a variety of salads for both lunch and dinner in order to see some results. To try and keep things interesting I'm going to start up my week in photos again to encourage me to put some variety on my plate, and hit the market every weekend to pick up some seasonal fruit and veg to mix things up. I'll keep you posted on my progress!

What are your favourite Winter salads?

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