Life in London continues to be frenetic and nightmarish in equal measure in the L&F household: dieting is proving difficult, daydreams of holidays abroad continue to persist and the weeks keep on flying by. However, having spent last Sunday getting the flat in order, I'm feeling a lot more organised and ready for all that the weeks ahead have in store. Here's what's happened over the past week or so.
Clockwise from top left: Dim Sum on a Sunday with The Boy - Lovely AW12 designs by NW3 at Hobbs - A Saturday trip to the V&A - Current reading matter - My favourite design at the ballgowns exhibition - Thinking how pretty Zsa Zsa would look in this Whistles sale number - A sunny day in the V&A - A sneaky Saturday cupcake with Mother - Amazing outfits at the Ballgowns exhibition - Yummy noodles - Would two muffins be wrong? (YES) - A little Sunday night viewing (to remind me that things could always be worse)
We need to play the Euros this week so I can purchase said pretty dress x