I love the royal family, which means (if you're anything like me) this past weekend was pretty amazing.
Living in London, the preparations for the Jubilee celebrations have been getting me excited for the past few weeks - passing the flags on Oxford Street every morning certainly put a patriotic spring in my step. My father clearly felt the same way and we both wanted to be able to say "I was there" for this once in a lifetime experience, so he and Mum traveled over on Saturday night to partake in the festivities.
Sunday dawned grey and dreary but we donned our cagoules, packed our flags and umbrellas and headed down to the waterfront to watch the flotilla. The streets were heaving with people hoping to catch a glimpse of Queenie but aside from a small amount of jostling (seriously, if you want to be at the front SET YOUR ALARM EARLIER) everyone was in high spirits. Sure, once you've seen one hundred boats they all start to look the same (particularly when you're standing in the freezing cold June drizzle, on a slope which has caused your right knee to completely seize up and you are majorly regretting not bringing a packed lunch) but the flotilla was pretty interesting all the same and I'm glad we braved the weather.
We finished the day with an extremely wet walk home via the Kings Road and Fulham Broadway, stopping for drinks in the Harwood Arms (more on that to follow), before having a delicious Jubilee picnic style tea back at the flat. It was a great weekend (aside from the weather) and it was lovely to see Mum and Dad for a few days (particularly when Dad buys dinner).
How did you spend the Jubilee weekend?
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