Monday, 23 April 2012

My week in photos 2

On Friday night, as The Boy was staying away at a friends for a Saturday suit fitting, I took the opportunity to do something I don't do very often: relax. I settled into bed (the lounge just won't do for a proper veg out) with a pile of magazines, documentaries on 4OD (I know, I'm a geek), Bridesmaids on DVD and a Kit Kat chunky (a girl's got to eat). It was a wonderful evening, nowhere to be and nothing pressing to do, it was bliss. My week wasn't particularly crazy but, as usual, I'd had lots on and it was nice to just spend an evening doing basically, nothing. My wonderful friend Zsa from The Life Wardrobe had surprised me with a bag of popcorn and a DVD as a treat "just because" (don't you just love friends like that) so my evening was mapped out for me with food, comedy and relaxation. 

Saturday saw me hit the market for the weekly fruit and veg shop, stopping at Sports Direct on the way to pick up some new running trousers (who knew I would actually get into this running lark). It was nice to have a day entirely to myself, a spot of shopping, a sandwich for lunch (that definitely wouldn't have passed The Boy's portion control rules) and then an afternoon of cleaning whilst watching American trashy TV. You wouldn't think cleaning would make me happy, but tidy house tidy mind and all that. We went for a curry and drinks with friends on Saturday night followed by a day wandering along the river to Chiswick on Sunday. It was a lovely weekend and a relatively nice week, here's some pics of what I've been getting up to:

 Pretty much my dream house - dressing like my Grandmother - a visit to the lovely Hobbs store in Bluewater - surprise gifts from Zsa - browsing the fashion books in Chiswick - loving the new Chanel ad campaign

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